【學術簡介】 學習經曆: 2010年9月-2014年7月,吉林大學,食品質量與安全專業,工學學士學位。 2014年9月-2017年7月,吉林大學,食品科學專業,工學碩士學位。 2017年9月-2021年6月,丹麥哥本哈根大學,食品微生物與發酵專業,工學博士學位。 教學及研究經曆: 2021年12月-至今,beat365在线体育,食品與生物工程學院,資格副教授。 2019年8月,Arla Foods Ingredient 阿拉乳品配料工廠(維德拜克,丹麥),訪問學者。 2019年9月,Arla Innovation Center 阿拉乳品研發中心(奧胡斯,丹麥),訪問學者。 學術社會兼職及榮譽: 江蘇省冷鍊學會預制菜專業委員會會員; Frontiers in Microbiology,Frontiers in Nutrition,Plos one等國際期刊審稿人。 【主講課程】 本科生:《食品衛生學》,《食品原料學》(留學生) 【指導碩、博士生研究方向】 食源性緻病菌控制技術: 1.植物精油等天然化合物抗菌性研究 2.乳酸菌在發酵食品中的生物防腐作用研究 【研究領域】 天然化合物抗食源性緻病菌控制技術、發酵食品的生物防腐 【主要論著】 代表論文: 1. Shi, C and Maktabdar, M. (2022). Lactic acid bacteria as biopreservation against spoilage molds in dairy products-A review. Frontiers in Microbiology. 12:819684. (二區, IF=5.640, top期刊) 2. Shi, C. and Knøchel, S. (2021). Inhibitory effects of binary combinations of microbial metabolites on the growth of tolerant Penicillium roqueforti and Mucor circinelloides. LWT. 149, 112039. (一區, IF=4.952, top期刊) 3. Shi, C. and Knøchel, S. (2021). Sensitivity of molds from spoiled dairy products towards bioprotective lactic acid bacteria cultures. Frontiers in Microbiology. 12, 631730. (二區, IF=5.640, top期刊) 4. Shi, C. and Knøchel, S. (2021). Susceptibility of dairy associated molds towards microbial metabolites with focus on the response to diacetyl. Food Control. 121, 107573. (一區, IF=5.548, top期刊) 5. Shi, C., Zhang, X., Guo, N. (2018). The antimicrobial activities and action-mechanism of tea tree oil against food-borne bacteria in fresh cucumber juice. Microbial Pathogenesis. 125, 262-271. (三區, IF=3.738) 6. Shi, C.#, Che, M.#, Zhang, X., Liu, Z., Meng, R., Bu, X., Ye, H., Guo, N. (2018). Antibacterial activity and mode of action of totarol against Staphylococcus aureus in carrot juice. Journal of Food Science and Technology. 55, 924-934. (三區, IF=2.701) 7. Shi, C., Zhang, X., Zhao, X., Meng, R., Liu, Z., Chen, X., Guo, N. (2017). Synergistic interactions of nisin in combination with cinnamaldehyde against Staphylococcus aureus in pasteurized milk. Food Control. 71, 10-16. (一區, IF=5.548, top期刊) 8. Shi, C., Zhao, X., Meng, R., Liu, Z., Zhang, G., Guo, N. (2017). Synergistic antimicrobial effects of nisin and p-Anisaldehyde on Staphylococcus aureus in pasteurized milk. LWT. 84, 222-230. (一區, IF=4.952, top期刊) 9. Shi, C., Chen, X., Liu, Zuojia, Meng, R., Zhao, X., Liu, Zonghui, Guo, N. (2017). Oleuropein protects L-02 cells against H2O2-induced oxidative stress by increasing SOD1, GPx1 and CAT expression. 85, 740-748. Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy. (一區, IF=6.529, top期刊) 10. Shi, C., Zhao, X., Yan, H., Meng, R., Zhang, Y., Li, W., Liu, Z., Guo, N. (2016). Effect of tea tree oil on Staphylococcus aureus growth and enterotoxin production. Food Control. 62, 257-263. (一區, IF=5.548, top期刊) 11. Shi, C., Zhao, X., Liu, Z., Meng, R., Chen, X., Guo, N. (2016). Antimicrobial, antioxidant, and antitumor activity of epsilon-poly-L-lysine and citral, alone or in combination. Food & Nutrition Research. 60, 31891. (二區, IF=3..89) 12. Zhao, X.#, Shi, C.#, Meng, R., Liu, Z., Huang, Y., Zhao, Z., Guo, N. (2016). Effect of nisin and perilla oil combination against Listeria monocytogenes and Staphylococcus aureus in milk. Journal of Food Science and Technology. 53, 2644–2653. (三區, IF=2.701) 13. Shi, C., Zhao, X., Li, W., Meng, R., Liu, Z., Liu, M., Guo, N., Yu, L. (2015). Inhibitory effect of totarol on exotoxin proteins hemolysin and enterotoxins secreted by Staphylococcus aureus. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology. 31, 1565–1573 (四區, IF=3.312) 代表著作: 無 【科研項目】 (1) 江蘇省自然科學基金(SBK2022045389),主持,2022.07 - 2025.06 (2) beat365在线体育高級人才科研啟動基金,主持,2022.07 - 2024.06 (3) 浙江省醫學電子與數字健康重點實驗室開放課題,第二,2022.07 - 2024.06 (4) 丹麥乳品研究基金(Danish Dairy Research Foundation),骨幹參與,2018.01-2022.04 【科研成果及獎勵】 在Food Control, Frontiers in Microbiology, LWT-Food Science and Technology, Biomedicine and Pharmacotherapy等食品科學及微生物領域主流國際期刊發表SCI收錄論文30餘篇 (h-index 15)。其中以第一作者身份發表SCI論文13篇,影響因子累計60.066。中科院JCR分區 (2021年12月最新升級版) 一區6篇,二區3篇,三區3篇,四區1篇,公開發明專利2項,授權專利1項,EI收錄論文1篇。 【以上資料更新日期】 2022年8月 |