【學術簡介】 學習經曆: 2011年9月-2015年6月,吉林大學,食品質量與安全,工學學士。 2015年9月-2018年6月,吉林大學,食品科學與工程,工學碩士。 2018年10月-2022年12月,比利時魯汶大學,食品科技,生物科學工程博士。 教學及研究經曆: 2023年7月至今,beat365在线体育,食品與生物工程學院,資格副教授。 學術社會兼職及榮譽: 擔任Food Research International、International Journal of Food Properties等國際期刊審稿人。 【研究領域】 • 植物源食品儲藏加工中質構變化的生物化學基礎與調控機制。 • 基于原位分析手段探究植物源食品細胞壁組分(大分子多糖)結構變化及其與其他分子間相互作用,從而對食品品質功能進行調控。 【主要論著】 發表論文: 發表學術論文14篇,其中以第一作者/通訊作者發表SCI檢索論文7篇,部分代表性論文如下: 1. Chen, D*, Ding, A., Zhu, L., Grauwet, T., Van Loey, A., Hendrickx, M., & Kyomugasho, C., 2023. Phytate and mineral profile evolutions to explain the textural hardening of common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) during postharvest storage and soaking: Insights obtained through a texture-based classification approach. Food Chemistry, 404, 134531. 2. Chen D *, Bernaerts, T., Debon, S., Oduah, C. O., Zhu, L, Wallecan, J., Hendrickx, M., & Kyomugasho, C., 2023. Novel insights into the role of the pectin-cation-phytate mechanism in ageing induced cooking texture changes of Red haricot beans through a texture-based classification and in situ cell wall associated mineral quantification. Food Research International, 163, 112216. 3. Chen, D*, Hu, K., Zhu, L., Hendrickx, M., & Kyomugasho, C., 2022. Cell wall polysaccharide changes and involvement of phenolic compounds in ageing of Red haricot beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) during postharvest storage. Food Research International, 162, 112021. 4. Chen, D*, Pham, U. T. T., Van Loey, A., Grauwet, T., Hendrickx, M., & Kyomugasho, C., 2021. Microscopic evidence for pectin changes in hard-to-cook development of common beans during storage. Food Research International, 141(January), 110115. 5. Chen, D, Liu, H., Wang, E., Yan, H., Ye, H., Yuan, Y.*, 2018. Toxicogenomic evaluation of liver responses induced by acrylamide and glycidamide in male mouse liver. General Physiology and Biophysics, 37(2), 175-184. 學術彙報: 1. Chen, D, Ding, A., Zhu, L., Grauwet, T., Van Loey, A., Hendrickx, M., & Kyomugasho, C. Textural defect of common beans upon storage and soaking: phytate and mineral evolutions. IFT FIRST 22 Annual Event & Expo, 07/11-07/13, 2022,在線口頭-海報彙報。 2. Chen, D, Pham, U. T. T., Van Loey, A., Grauwet, T., Hendrickx, M., & Kyomugasho, C. Microstructural pectin changes in storage-induced hard-to-cook development of common beans. 35th EFFoST International Conference, 11/01-11/04, 2021, 洛桑,瑞士, 海報彙報。 【科研項目】 1. Legume Centre of Excellence in Food and Nutrition Security (LCEFoNS),比利時-肯尼亞國際合作研究項目Institutional University Cooperation (IUC),骨幹參與,2017-2027. 2. Integrated material science, enginomic and kinetic approach to understand aging, processing and digestion of legumes - “Engaging Legumes”,魯汶大學科研項目,骨幹參與, 2018-2022. |